
Is your physical condition due to brain fatigue? 

If you can’t get rid of your physical fatigue and continue to feel unwell, your brain may be tired. Let’s learn about the state of “brain fatigue” that is common among people today, and know the appropriate ways to relieve brain fatigue. 

What is brain fatigue?
 Brain fatigue is a condition in which the brain is overused and becomes inflamed. For example, if you use your muscles too much, they may become inflamed, causing pain the next day and making you unable to move them. 
Similarly, when the brain is overused, it becomes inflamed and stops working properly. 

The autonomic nervous system is made up of two parts: the sympathetic nervous system, which activates the body, and the parasympathetic nervous system, which relaxes the body. Both nerves are necessary to maintain a healthy body, but when brain fatigue occurs, it becomes difficult to maintain a balance between the two nerves. 
It is difficult to be aware of whether the brain is normal or not, but if you feel unwell, it is likely that your autonomic nervous system is not working properly, which may be causing brain fatigue. 

When your brain gets tired, your body gets tired too. 

When the brain becomes fatigued, abnormalities appear in the body as well. For example, `feeling sleepy during the day even though you sleep at night` and `being unable to concentrate on work` are signs that your brain is tired. Your brain is telling you to rest, so you should rest without forcing yourself to do so. 

Furthermore, when brain fatigue accumulates, it can lead to autonomic imbalance, and symptoms such as `feeling tired` and `persistent headaches` may occur even though you are not sick. You may also experience gastrointestinal upset or dizziness. 
It is extremely difficult to restore balance to the autonomic nervous system once it has been disrupted. If you notice any discomfort in your body, it is recommended that you suspect brain fatigue and take prompt action. 

Dry head spa is effective for brain fatigue 
Sleep is the most recommended thing for people who want to prevent or relieve brain fatigue. 
The brain can only rest by sleeping, so providing good quality sleep is most important for the brain. 

In modern times, our brains are working at full speed even when we are resting due to television, the internet, and smartphones. Even if you think you are resting your body, your brain is under a heavy load. 
To improve the quality of your sleep, be sure to try a dry head spa treatment. 
Massaging the head relaxes tired optic nerves and muscles, leading to a peaceful state. 
Let’s maintain a healthy state by giving your brain, which is always running at full speed, a good rest with a dry head spa and quality sleep. 




